Limbic system of Human brain, act as center of emotion, long term memory, spatial memory, regulation of heart rate, cognitive processing, behavior and many more…It is well developed in the species Homo Sapien—us. It is the main reason, why we are different than other organism on planet Earth. And it result in Human, with the ability to have the greatest gift of all—to love.
Lesser event that initiate a series of event that follows, or rather chain reactions which later leads to different ending depending on the main character’s involvement and decision made. As applies on the chaos theory (a.k.a: Butterfly Effects), slight unnoticeable changes can causes unknowingly massive event in the end, nothing is predictable.
30.8.09---The Beginning of All
It all begins with a simple caring message regarding her profile quote in a popular networking site. She seems puzzled. Sad. Disappointed. As all her efforts doesn’t change the current situation of a relationship. When all hope seems lost and you just can’t make a different. 2 ending. Anger or despair.
She choose the latter one.
Nothing much. Just solution to the missing piece of a disrupted puzzle. A linkage is formed.
An act of greatness which is done in the time of need, which brings harm or misdeed onto the personal in order to deem the opposite party from the inevitable ill fate or misfortune. Such act, is sacred, and of greatest deed…
She: when u finish exam?
He: 14.9.09, y?
She: then u finish
He: …
She: promise me u will do pass
After I count 3…u will forget all about me and dont know me at all
He: y? for wat?
She: for u concentrate to study la
He: …
after 14.9.09
I’ll get to know u again
She: i will get to forget u…
States of emotion which may consist of assume, anxious, and even fear. This occurs as sudden event and changes on the opposite party’s safety or whereabouts who is important or in close relation to the 1st party. In this state, anxiety arise and causes alarm awareness which triggers a series of chain reaction that causes impact on both emotional and physiological state of the personal, which usually results ends in symptoms such as insomnia as cardiac and neuronal system has been elevated via the adrenal influence…
3.9.09---4.9.09 ( The message of Hope)
They were chatting. Suddenly she told him, she’s going out and later will message him.
No worry.
But at nite a sudden message come asking the method of staying awake from drunk, and the way she try to keep her whereabouts secret makes him worried.
He’s thinking. Where could she be? How is she now?
They were far apart. The only linkage that keeps the conversation going on and the indication of her safety is the continual 0.10cent sms message to his phone.
As hours passed, anxieties grows stronger so as his state of awareness. He wont be able to rest easily now, and he will not.
The only antidote to his insomnia would be her confirmation message…and he holds onto that hope, against all odds…
Night ends, dawn came and leave eventually comes morning. His phone gives him the long waited answer. And he’s relieved.
Phrase, which expected to follow up with an response from the opposite party known as answer. Depending on the question given, a degree of difficulties is determined but it may vary in different individual. Some answer, leads to events which, neither unimaginable nor predictable in the beginning, may even bears great responsibility and requires courage to state the appropriate phrase.
She’s puzzled. And she’s seeking the truth, regardless the following effects. He, Knows the answer but just don’t have the courage. Fear he may be, but he has good reason for keeping the answer.
When all against favor, he avoids the chances even it is given. Yet, no truth shall ever lies buried for eternality. On this very day, he told the truth. A phrase which may seem simple to the eyes of mortal but yet it is the very truth that lies long in his mind, a truth, as true as diamond could shine, as it should be.
Phrase, which said to ensure trustworthy in the opposite party, or to relieve a question given. Answer as such, bears responsibility. As for person whom value words utter from own mouth, the meaning is firm. As such phrase bears great responsibilities, it should be use with caution. One mistake make, Ones name is stain.
28.9.09---29.9.09 (A Promise)
Unintentionally, word hurts. A person should reap what he sow. travels back to the place they met and where she stays. He apologies. Apology accepted. Follow by events that unveil down the long night. He had made a promise.
A form of emotional stimulus which causes withdrawal of the personal from continual expose to its effects, in order to prevent further damage or influence onto the personal own being. It ranges from fear of darkness in childhood until the fear of rejection, which frequent applies in the life of the growth up. Seems simple but the effects could be catastrophic may even jeopardizes a linkage.
29.9.09 (Skin Deepp)
A stain, inerasable and has long encrypted into his gene pool ever since he’s born. Countless efforts had been pour on it yet result is firm, or rather…grim. He who bears this stain, is unacceptable to the majority. Fear of rejection causes him to walk on the road of never return, to the path which not all would have chosen…He lies. Lies that keep him, acceptable. Even until the extend of, he lies to She. Deep in his heart, he knows that this will not hold on forever, one day the truth will just surface as it will be. Hence so, before the Day of Judgment come, He confesses to She.
A space, that separates two distant point from colliding or meeting each other. As further the distance and the total time spent, may result in a tighter bond or loosen bonding between those two points. In term of the bonding strength, it is determined by the elements involves and the method of two points uniting as both intrinsic and extrinsic factor would greatly affects end results.
11.10.09---Through the looking glass by lewis carroll
Its been awhile. Since the last time they both met. And he knows he miss her, badly. Eventually. they met in a different way—the cybertronic way. Via a thin sheet of glass another person is just there.
How it’ll be nice. If the glass prison just doesn’t exists?
How nice. If the distance is in the form of inexistence?
yet. Time wasn’t so generous as it always be to the youth and innocent.
Beyond the distance apart, the person is just there. So close. yet so far away…they both are.
Pronunciation: \ˈləv\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lufu; akin to Old High German luba love, Old English lēof dear, Latin lubēre, libēre to please
1 a (1) : strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties
2 : warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion
To define it. Its rather hard than it sounds likes. Earth Dictionaries just cant find the appropriate answer for it. Because It aint easy. It is more than a word. It bears responsibility, courage, selfishness, hatred, promise, fun, guilt…….To start with the definition of love, Ones could go on until no ends.
It doesn’t ends with a word. It brings effects. And via effects it initiate series of chain reactions…goes on and on till no ends.
It is a word, that what makes us human kind special.
Cherish it. As it is the greatest gift God gives to human beside light and life. It is the word which divides us from others carbon-based life being. It is the word which gave birth to emotion, inspiration, and even creation.
Say it. Just like u mean it. Say it proudly. to the One, who well deserve it…
*Cherish everyday of your life even in the darkest time, cause you never know out there, someone is waiting for you…when the darkest hours passed, dawn came. Then you’ll know: A new day has come, and its hell worth waiting for…
13.oct ^ Lee yen yao

hey, i like the way u write..whats wrong pal?
ReplyDeleteNothing is wrong lol...
ReplyDeletejust that. i think i've found the One.
life is never better than now my dear fren~ =D
hey! you got blog! HAHA..=)
ReplyDeleteLOL! glad u found it :P