Friday, October 2, 2009

Did you know…?

A series of Q&A fun facts about human anatomy, sexes and
stuff. Contains language and words that might not suitable for most individual hence
read it at your own risk. Above all, it’s fun to know more ain’t it? Here we

1. Can men lactate?

-yea. Massage nipple for long period of time(years), or
suffer extreme starvation may stimulate the excretion of Prolactin hormone,
which in turn induce lactation.

2. Scientific term for removal of testicle

-Orchiectomy. (Sounds like a pasta.)

3. Why do women pee more than men?

-simple anatomy question, coz women have smaller bladder

4. Can too much time on a bike lead to erectile dysfunction?

-true. When u sit on bike seat, you put pressure on the
perineum and nerves and blood vessels that are responsible for erectile
function. Compression in this area leads to decrease in penile blood flow, this
leads to penile fibrosis which causes difficulty in erection.

P.s:Perineum, this fancy-shmancy word also know as:
Taint/nifkin/grundle/ABC(ass-ball connection)/the runway/ the no-fly zone.

5. Why does it hurt so bad when you get kicked in the balls?

-Testicles develop inside the abdomen and move down into
scrotum before birth and the nerves and blood vessels remain attached even
after testes descend. Hence for that reason, you’ll feel the pain in the pit of
your stomach when the vicious blow happens. Trust me, it hurts.

6. Do steroids shrink your testicles?

-itz true, you may get big in some places with steroid, but
the other places may get smaller. So if u intention in taking steroids is to
look like some sort of Herculean road warrior, remember-you just may end up
with man-boobs and micro-balls instead.

7. Can woman get pregnant from pre-ejaculation?

-no. but there could be some residual sperm in the urethra
from recent sexual encounter! Therefore there is the risk of pregnancy with any
intercourse. Remember, don’t fall for that old line “I’ll just put it in for a
second so you can see how it feels.”

8. Does sex induce labor?

-Semen contains a high concentration of prostaglandins and
are often used for cervical ripening and induction of labor. Nipple stimulation
during sex can also cause contractions and may help bring on labor if the
cervix is already ripe. Inducing labor in this way is…well hard work.

9. Can you breast-feed with fake boobs?

-no. boobies plastic
surgery severed too many milk ducts hence the ability to breast-feed may be

10. Can you breast-feed with nipple piercing?

-no prob, if you dare enough. coz during lactating baby
might suck too hard and tear-off your jewelry…Ouch.

11. What is that sound a vagina makes after sex?

-Blush! But we are here for the fact…after sex, when penis
is removed, air is released and you get some vaginal flatulence. “queef” and
“vart” often used to describe these noises that a woman may emit after sex.
Prove, u seek? Just stick a recorder near your vaginal the next time you have sex.

12. Why can you eat three times more than normal when you
have PMS(premenstrual gluttony)?

-true, and it is so proved. But it is not entirely clear why
this happens but researchers think it has to do with changes in serotonin
levels during the menstrual cycle that make you crave more food.

13. Can friends synchronize their menstrual cycles?

-Women who spend a lot of time together can synchronize
their menstrual cycles…wtf, for real? With over thirty years of research,
scientists can now proudly announce that it is true! But have no idea of how it

14. Why do your boobs get tender before your period?

Excretion of estrogen and progesterone during menstrual
cycle causes the enlargement of breast ducts and lobules respectively. These
increases in size lead to pain. The good news is, simple anti-inflammatory
medications can reduce the pain. also avoid very aggressive teenage boys who
want to feel you up, but haven’t yet learned the correct method.

15. Do women have hairy chests?

-well, some women do, due to their genetics. Luckily, there
are plenty of ways to get rid of excess hair, in a safe way.

16. Do women have wet dreams?

-yes they do, but it happens less common in women. Although
it’s rare, but it is more pleasant than male nocturnal orgasms and it is
continuous! How lucky to be a woman…

17. Is vaginal douching dangerous?

-Certainly it is. It involves flushing a special
solution(usually water and vinegar) into the vagina under premise that it
flushes out bacteria to reduce or eliminate odor…vaginal douching has many risk
and has been linked to a number of adverse health conditions including bacteria
and yeast infections and even reduced fertility! Remember, vagina is a
self-cleaning oven hence there is no need for fancy grooming products.

18. Why is one of my breast growing faster than the other?

-None of us is perfectly symmetrical…why? God knows, He made
us so.

P.s: with exceptional to some seemingly perfect
bisymmetry people like Jessica simpson, tyra banks, and of course, Barbie.

19. What is wet dream?

-nocturnal emissions that result of sexual excitement from
erotic dreams or physical stimulation from rubbing against sheets or blankets.
Instead of an evil thought wet dreams are in fact a wonderful thing. In dreams
we can have sex with actresses, porn stars, neighbors, coworkers, teachers,
girls who ignored us in high school, babysitters from childhood, that waitress
from the German restaurant…….wow.

20. Is there such a thing as a death erection?

-the myth is true! When you die, your blood will pool due to
gravity, and you will gradually stiffen due to build up of lactic acid in your
muscles(rigor mortis) if you die facedown, the pooling of blood will lead to
death erection-a.k.a “angel lust”.Rest in peace.

*Source: Billions thankx goes to Doctor Bill and Gill researches and their book "why do men have nipples", what a brilliant piece of work!

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