Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dear Tiffany

I don’t know you

I haven’t met you

I never even heard about you


I saw you on the news

This is how I get to know you.



You’re ready.

Ready to face the world

Back at the time when you were young

Very very young, with a dream so young

You wrote them down in paper once

Today, your ambitious will no longer be just a dream. You’re ready to live it.

The day when all is over, after all the hardship and sacrifices, you’ve got what you deserve of, as it is written on a piece of paper

For all the hard work unseen, can never be denied

You have proven it, to both yourself and those you loved. That you can, and you’ve done it.

Bid farewell to bittersweet of teenage years.

Tighten your shoelace ready for the long road ahead

So much is done, for the early steps into adulthood

You are so young.


He took it all away.




Makes him changed

The one whom you once known so well, is no longer the same person you met years ago

Lust, greed, wrath

Three of the Seven Deadly Sins

When One’s mind is filled with such

He is beyond redemption.

Sins in him

Sins be with him

Sins. Destroy the charity in his heart

With lust, comes wrath

To physically overpower a helpless young girl with sudden burst of adrenaline rush

You. Defends yourself

For dignity. You defends yourself.

With a cost so high, even so.

you are willing to pay…

When you’re completely helpless in sub-conscious state after deprived oxygen for long

Without a chance to think to redeem for a mistake so great that he had made


He ends your fragile life



Heart stops beating signified a still moment in which a life is loss

For a soul has left and no longer in bondage with the physical form

The moment when it all ends

Pain is not felt, anymore

Memories. Though short, rewinds to be seen, for the owner’s eyes only


In spite of darkness and fear

Warmth, Bright Light awaits.



You’re a Christian.

Belief makes you strong

It taught you the way of life as it is

Since the moment you were born, till the last beating you felt deep within your chest

Your journey in here, does not ends here

You. Travels high. To HIS embraces

You will see

Angels and HE himself

In a place with no suffering, no fear and no sadness

There you will be

In serenity




I don’t know you

I haven’t met you

I never even heard about you


I mourn for the loss of you



You may not be the only one

Nor you will be the last

For a suffering so endless it bleeds tears from heaven


Your story, shall be a lesson learnt hard by us all

For a great price is paid

It shall not be in vain…

You. Will be forever in our heart

Peace be with you

“I dreamt of a world in peace”


-lee yen yao @ April 6th, 2011

