-When God create Human, He use one rib bone of the first man(Adam) to create the first woman(Eve), Hence born the theory men gave birth to women(reverse process of child birth)
-Myth: Women are cursed. According to mythology, Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God gets angry and banishes His creation from Eden garden. From that day on, human lives on themselves.
-History: Ancient time Chinese (even until now), most of them despise females. Man can have as much wives as he wants, women are treating as object, can be trade, and most fathers are so willingly to sell their daughters. No women could go to school, women with knowledge will never get marry, and they can’t even read books. Women are limits in house, only. After gets married, father always pray for a son, the one that carry family name to the next generation. But if really unfortunate gets a daughter…you can simply abandon the child, no one would ever blame you, because everyone’s doing the same. Female are consider “ying”, a side of Fong-Shui that attract bad things, if your family have more females than males, blame your daughters if you gets sick or bad lucks. Plus, Chinese emperor has one queen and 3000 wives! Believe it! Every year fresh beauties from around the country being send to palace, never knowing their fate…Some beauties never seen the emperor in their life time, they just stay in the palace(forever), gets old and die without a proper funeral. Imagine that, the only entertainment you get is lesbian sex and chess and fly kite, all in the palace until the day you die…
-Since creation: Being are judge by their strength, not knowledge or whatever…We knows men are stronger, thanks to testosterone, so those without it, obey. Ever since then, men become the one that write laws, women obey, must. Hence when go through history, we can see most culture and religious despise women’s right, since no one ever protests (who ever dares), it stays until now. Sadly, nowadays most people still stick to those conservative crappy laws, even some women…
-Mothers: one time intercourse, has pain of labour, lost appetite, vomit almost every time after meals, suffer gastric pain for the whole 9 months, in the end process still have to endure the ultimate suffering for almost 40 minute—then only a child is born. After birth, mother lactate her very own child and take care of everything, from clothing to the bed, mother never rest…from a baby child until the boy turns to man, mother never stops worry and always be there when her child is in trouble. Still, some child never appreciates…comes home at late night, scholarship reach rock bottom and lost virginity before 16th birthday, breaks mother’s very own heart…at worst, if husband doesn’t understand, she gets all the blame for all the cause…contribute without asking for return, that’s a mother.
-Fact: Who discover DNA? We’ll say Watson and Crick. In fact the one that first discover DNA is a woman scientist name Rosalind Franklin…why no one ever cares? You know the answer. Rosalind dies of broken heart, only until recent year science world give the glory to her.
-In present day: crime rate rise way faster than Carbon dioxide concentration. Women gets rape, rob, abuse, kill every single minute. According to research, in one minute more than 200 women falls victim to crime and this number doesn’t include most 3rd world countries…An unnamed religious, state a law if women gets rape, she can sue the attacker, but she needs at least 4 witness! Let me ask you, would you rape a victim in front of 4 people? That is plain bull-shit and out-of-the-world-alien-crap! Who ever comes up with that idea are really a no-brainer.
-Nation’s Crisis: Now talk about the country I’m from. Year 2007, when a hell lot of shit-happen in my country, for instance: Two politicians openly discuss about women period cycle without feeling ashamed, and don’t even felt sorry when this news broke out! Until the prime put pressure then they say sorry in front the camera but still don’t mention the victim name, thinking themselves very high pride and stuff, people (I mean, trash or debris of society) like these, which don’t respect women, won’t respect their mother and sister as well. Females government workers, no matter what religious or race, now are getting pressure from the top, urging them to cover their so-called private part(hair), now the whole nation females police enforcer already doing that, in future no surprise it will reach others post like teachers. Foreign celebrities like Gwen being warn not to be ‘bitchy’, Pussycat Dolls being fine for ‘bringing bad influences to the nation youth’, Linkin Park gets warning to ‘be good’, Beyonce are force to wear the outfit that only approved by our country (damn it, she said she rather go Jakarta of Indonesia, and this really shame news reach MTV and stuff and its all over internet blogs). Hell! They even warn Justin Timberlake not to be ‘sexy’! This is sooooooo stupid! No kissing in the public (fine), but even not in the airport! Foreign tourist being fine for embracing each other in the airport, local police broke into tourist’s hotel suite and urges the lady to ‘cover herself’, while the husband are being charge ‘doing dirty stuff’, for God sake, they are husband and wives! Even Middle East are more open minded than this country! Sincerely, this country now is really gaining its fame for being Ultra conservative, check out CNN or Times you’ll know (even Indonesia news critic about Gwen’s problem in this country!). Female lives on this soil are now slowly losing their right, soon they gonna urge you to cover your own toe…you never know.
-European’s folklore: Long time ago Human all lives in a small town, a town without worry, sickness or any misfortune. God left a box in the middle of the town after He creates human, a secret box, and He warn everyone not to open it. A little girl name Pandora can’t control her curiosity, she decide just to take a peek into the box, suddenly all hell break loose…bad things came out from the box, sickness, depression, hatred and all filled the town, peoples changed since then, all off them slowly leaves town and Pandora are being despise for causing this great destruction. Hence, women are said to be the root of all problems.
-Words: Women that kept to themselves or act cool are call ‘bitch’, those that loosen a bit are ‘sluts’, independent women are women that ‘out of track’, didn’t obey husband or folks words are ‘useless’, those married to rich dudes are ‘gold digger’, urge for another time after having sex are ‘whore’…everything women do or done, we guys name them something. Independent or single girl can just dirt off their shoulder, those married have to suffer husband’s cruel words, gets beaten and all.
-Dark Age: When the disease Black Death runs free in Europe, no cure are found and death troll reach a catastrophic state, that time there aren’t any doctor, people depends on witch doctor and home remedies, ritual of all kind occurs throughout the continent…when all hope seem lost, church and angry mobs turns and lay their anger on witchcraft. Witchcraft exists since civilization, but in the eye of church, they are considers as those that brings misfortune and worse: the Black Death disease…throughout Europe, witch doctors and women that suspect to practice witchcraft are burn to death, and all kind of torturing like crucified, water torture (the cruelest I ever knows) and all. The angry mob goes so far that even young women and cats get massacred. Until everything’s over, witchcraft no longer exist in Europe and the death troll cause by human being almost equal the main cause… (Joan of Arc, die in accuse of being a witch during the battle of British and French)
-Sexual drive: Hell lot of men nowadays still doesn’t know about girls. During sexual intercourse, men usually insert his organ WAY freakin early, they never know about foreplay, and they don’t care. For women, they are different, they need to be stimulate for a period of time to get ‘ready’, for vagina lining to produce juice for intercourse later on. For men they just pick their penis and stroke and its ready, so they think girl be the same. After the first few minute of suffering (without readiness of the wife), wife finally gets ready for intercourse, when they ask for another time (after male party ejaculated), they gets all the blame for being ‘bitchy’, ‘sluty’, ‘whore’ and all (fact: if the wife ain’t ready, they can’t feel anything but pain and suffering even there’s a 8 inch penis between their legs).Blaming them for having strong sex drive can never satisfied and all the fuss. One thing makes me really piss is that: nowadays a lot of people really holding the idea of ‘nowadays female sexual drives are getting stronger’, they don’t search the solution and blame the females, a clear example of male domination. Well, after all who would really willing to sacrificed 10 minute of their life time dedicate to foreplay, while you can just simply insert your penis and left your wife scream for life(ancient civilization like Greek and Egypt and even Indians knows about foreplay, read your history books!).One sad thing is: this matter you can never consult your wife or GF, because they love you, they just don’t want you to feel disappointed or depress and stuff, they are willing to sacrifice. For most women, if the other part of their life felt happy and satisfied, they will, too.
-Closing: Women are not from Venus, Man ain’t from Mars too, we both exist since creation, a lot of thing we don’t have in common, so we should learn to tolerate, understand, believe and love each other. When go through history, we can see that men made too many mistake, too many until I can’t really type it all down. Now, we should learn our mistake and respect them, make them believe we are there for them, like they always doing to us…when seconds to world’s end, you can hold her hand and said “we are going back to Eden, and I’ll find you”, and she’s looking into your eyes, believing it’s true…
*This article is dedicated to all the women, mothers and those still suffering under the fist of male domination, and for those deceased. Tomorrow would be better, we believe.
**Re-edit of previous post. original publication date: 01.01.2008 3.00am

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